Where to see the best collection of WW2 memorabilia

If you love to examine collections of world war 2 memorabilia to find out more information about what was used by the military back then, you may be looking for places to visit that have exceptional collections.   If so, and you can get to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, you should visit The Gettysburg Museum of History there. Not only does the museum have an enormous collection of WW2 memorabilia, but many items from the American Civil War and World War I as well.  

Why is the museum so interesting? -- One of the reasons this museum is so interesting is because it was started and is still owned by one man.   The man, Erik Dorr, collected historical memorabilia from when he was a child. The problem came in when he had so much of it, he did not know what to do with it. So he opened his own museum.   Nowadays, the museum has one of the largest collections of WW2 memorabilia in the country and has tens of thousands of visitors to it every year.  

What can you expect to see? -- You will see everything from military helmets to weaponry, coins to uniforms, and badges to cartridge boxes. Everything you could ever imagine being used by the military in World War II, as well as in the Civil War and in World War I.   Each piece also has fascinating information that you can read, so that you learn as much about the history of World War I as you do about the WW2 memorabilia itself.  

Buying WW2 memorabilia -- The museum even sells some of its duplicate pieces online, if you want to add new ones to your own collection.   Check out their website and their eBay account for daily updates of exactly which pieces are being sold at the moment.